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NETBIOME-CSA (2013-2016) is a project funded by the EU FP7 CSA Scheme. NetBiome-CSA will extend and strengthen research partnerships and cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in outermost regions (ORs) and overseas countries and territories (OCTs).
What's New
29 Apr 2016
The 4th and last NetBiome-CSA E-newsletter is now available for you to download. Learn about how the NetBiome network has contributed in the last 10 years to improve research and management of threatened biodiversity in Europe´s overseas entities and the network roadmap for the upcoming years. [+]
28 Apr 2016
Learn more about what was discussed at this relevant meeting aiming to boost biodiversity research cooperation. [+]
12 Apr 2016
Policy-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament last April 6th to engage with the NetBiome network, which highlighted the need to face the challenges of conserving the rich biodiversity found in the EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories. [+]
08 Apr 2016
The discussion of the NetBiome network future was the highlight of this exciting last meeting. [+]