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Concept and objectives

Through a participative process the objective is to mobilise stakeholders, their knowledge and resources for initiatives such as policy and priority analysis, multi-stakeholder dialogues, exchange of good practices, training and issuing of recommendations. The project's activities will contribute to:

• promote proper research and innovation governance;

• provide the basis for increased research efforts and excellence;

• strengthen links between science, policy and business;

• foster evidence-based policy and improving knowledge, good practice and technology transfer and the uptake of research results by biodiversity actors and stakeholders;

• improve the uptake by research of biodiversity actor's and stakeholder's knowledge, including traditional knowledge;

• develop innovative biodiversity management tools;

• improve visibility of ORs and OCTs, their specificities, their originality, and the uptake of their good practices and expertise;

• develop international cooperation and exporting EU expertise to third countries from ORs and OCTs acting as EU active frontiers;

• give a tropical dimension to Europe and conferring upon Europe a particular responsibility;

• establish a sustainable platform acting as an European focal point for tropical and subtropical biodiversity.