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[WORKSHOP] RIS3 Implementation Workshop on Blue Growth

From: To:
08 Oct 2015
08 and 09 of October 2015, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


The Canary Islands will host the RIS3 Implementation Workshop on Blue Growth, a S3 Platform event on 8-9 October 2015. The workshop is organised jointly by the government of the Canary Islands and the S3 Platform.


This implementation workshop is also part of the 2015 Open Days programme and includes participants from policy making, research and industry. Four S3P members will present their plans for specialising in Blue Growth: The Canary Islands (ES), Nordland (NO), Portugal and Ireland!


The objectives are to:

1. Understand how blue growth has been prioritized and framed in RIS3;
2. Discuss blue growth solutions proposed by industry, researchers and other stakeholders;
3. Examine possible blue growth policy mixes including the use of European funds;
4. Explore possibilities for transnational cooperation projects.


For more information, please visit the event's website.


Date: 08th and 09th October 2015

Venue: Edificio de Usos Múltiples II, Gobierno de Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain