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Advisory board

The Advisory Board comprises external experts from science and policy at international level, whose role is to:

  • Provide advice, quality assurance and shape the research agenda of NetBiome-CSA;
  • Ensure that international decision makers' views and needs are included/taken into account throughout the duration of the project and thus guarantee an effective two-way communication;
  • Assist to disseminate the results generated by the research effort.


António Domingos Abreu

Environmental Consultant for the Government of Angola and African Development Bank

He was also Environmental Consultant/Co-ordinator at UNESCO MaB Programme, Member of Marine Working Group at European Environmental Advisory Councils, Consultant at IUCN and Regional Director for the Environment Government of Autonomous Region of Madeira.


Carole Martinez

IUCN Program Coordinator for EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories

Joined IUCN Europe in October 2012 after working on protected areas and ecosystem management issues with IUCN's National Committee in France and on regional cooperation challenges at the French Marine Protected Areas Agency. For more information see


Colin Hindmarch

Independent Ecological Consultant

He is a chartered biologist, a European Professional Biologist, and a Fellow of both the Society of Biology and the Institute of Horticulture, with a background in botanical horticulture, landscape design, strategic planning and terrestrial ecology.


Richard Farman

Director of the “Aquarium des Lagons de Nouvelle Caledonie”

Former deputy-head of the Natural Resource Department for the Southern Province of New Caledonia.


Stephen Hawkins

Dean, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences & Professor of Natural Sciences of the University of Southampton and Director, Marine Biological Association (MBA) of the UK

Former member of the Expert Pannel at the Net-Biome ERA-Net final conference. For more information see



Sylvie Blangy

Researcher, French National Research Center (CNRS, CEFE), Montpellier, France.

Previously an international consultant in ecotourism and sustainable tourism for 15 years, she specialized in indigenous ecotourism and participatory action research and has been a lecturer in 5 French and North American Universities since. She is the vice chair of the Social and Human Working Group of International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). For more information see