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NetBiome-CSA video brings overseas biodiversity to life

10 Feb 2016
Learn how the NetBiome-CSA project is addressing the challenges of sustainable management of tropical and sub-tropical biodiversity.

NetBiome-CSA has just released a project video highlighting how the project contributes to sustainable management of tropical and sub-tropical biodiversity.


(Click on the image to see the NetBiome-CSA's promotional video)


The video showcases the spectacular biodiversity of the European overseas and allows the viewer to develop an understanding of the background and goals of NetBiome-CSA, a project that contributes to biodiversity protection in European overseas territories by strengthening research cooperation. The video also presents the four most important challenges identified by the network that Outermost Regions (ORs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) should tackle in the future:

  • Integrated biodiversity conservation through spatial planning
  • Sustainable agriculture and forestry practices
  • Sustainable management and effective conservation of biodiversity
  • To enhance and achieve knowledge based decision making in marine and coastal issues


Have a look at the video and learn more about the NetBiome-CSA project!