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Summary report of the NetBiome-CSA 2nd International Conference now available!

28 Apr 2016
Learn more about what was discussed at this relevant meeting aiming to boost biodiversity research cooperation.

On Wednesday April 6th, the NetBiome-CSA project held its 2nd International Conference “Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation: A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas” at the Euopean Parliament. The event was co-chaired by MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos and MEP Maurice Ponga. There were more than 60 participants from different EU overseas entities and mainland Europe. 


summary report of the event has just been published. Check it out here.




For more information on the event please visit:

[Event page] 2nd NetBiome-CSA International Conference 

[News] NetBiome-CSA International Conference at the European Parliament: A huge success!

[News] NetBiome-CSA International Conference called upon Europe to reconcile nature protection with sustainable human development