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WP1 - Project Management

WP1 will ensure optimal implementation, co-ordination and integration of the project activities by providing adequate structures, tools and procedures for supervision of project progress, reporting, internal quality assurance and organisation of meetings. An efficient management structure and tools will contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives of the project, bearing in mind the risks already detected and contingency plans already elaborated and will develop alternative plans, if necessary and/or desired. Thus, the tasks of this WP will ensure an optimal internal communication in the project and with the EC, so that all partners and the EC are fully aware of the project status.

  • Task 1.1 Develop internal communication tools and procedures
  • Task 1.2 Management and quality control

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WP2 - Mobilise knowledge and expand the network

WP2 will focus on extending and strengthening the network by identifying and characterizing relevant stakeholders (individuals and organisations) in the field of biodiversity management in ORs and OCTs. The resulting list of experts and organisations, chosen from the four strands of the quadruple helix (research, government, enterprises and civil society) will be integrated in a publicly available database (WP5, integrated in the Biodiversity Management Toolbox) and tapped to mobilize these stakeholders to different activities of the project through, e.g., the creation of a Stakeholder Panel and challenge-focused workgroups. An Advisory Board of international experts in selected areas will also be created to contribute in activity planning and execution.

  • Task 2.1 Identification of stakeholders involved in tropical and sub-tropical biodiversity activities
  • Task 2.2 Constitution of the Advisory Board and Stakeholder Panel

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WP3 - Mapping common priority challenges and research partnerships opportunities

WP3 will use the network created in WP2, partners' expertise and guidance documents such as the European Biodiversity Strategy, to identify and map relevant challenges to sustainable management for biodiversity preservation in the ORs and OCTs, to assess the role of biodiversity in their economic, social and cultural development and to understand the needs and expectations of the target groups regarding the characteristics of the outputs to be produced. To feed subsequent work, this WP will collect case studies and methodologies of biodiversity valuation. An international conference will be organised to analyse and debate this initial mapping and to select from it 4 main common priority challenges. These challenges will be addressed in WP4.

  • Task 3.1 Identify and map challenges
  • Task 3.2 Case studies on the socio-economic valuation of biodiversity
  • Task 3.3 International Conference: "Boosting sustainable development from high biodiversity: Prospects for green and blue growth in ORs and OCTs"

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WP4 - Address challenges and explore opportunities

WP4 wil address challenges and explore opportunities by 4 trans-regional and international teams of stakeholders (workgroups), each led by a consortium partner - facilitator. After drafting their Challenge's Outline (D4.1), each workgroup will work for 20 months to develop policy briefs (D4.4) and research recommendations (D4.5) and to carry out other activities through a collaborative process involving multi-stakeholder dialogues, trainingactivities and the identification of good practices for biodiversity preservation. Training materials on biodiversity valuation and good-practice guidelines for biodiversity preservation will also be produced in this WP.

  • Task 4.1. Multistakeholder dialogue and transregional fora
  • Task 4.2 Building capacity on decision making tools: pilot training sessions on socio-economic valuation of biodiversity
  • Task 4.3 Identifying and disseminating best practices for tropical and subtropical sustainable biodiversity preservation

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WP5 - Biodiversity Management Toolbox

In WP5 the main resources and outputs developed in WP2, WP3 and WP4 will be integrated in a Biodiversity Management Toolbox that will be developed based on a stakeholder-driven approach. The Toolbox will include: an Information System (containing a database with the stakeholders identified in WP2; the case-studies, methodologies and training materials on biodiversity valuation developed in WP4; and the good-practice examples collected also in WP4; an Information Service for trans-regional research partnerships, with tailored dissemination of opportunities and recommendations to different stakeholders.

  • Task 5.1 Stakeholders database
  • Task 5.2 Case-studies, methodologies and training materials on socio-economic valuation of biodiversity
  • Task 5.3 Good-practice guidelines for sustainable biodiversity preservation
  • Task 5.4 Information service for trans-regional research collaboration

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WP6 - Towards Sustainable Cooperation

WP6 will analyse and propose ways to explore the Biodiversity Management Toolbox and continue co-operation actions after the end of the project. The consortium will identify and propose mechanisms and actions to reinforce European cooperation for tropical and subtropical sustainable biodiversity management and develop a sustainability plan. An international forum will be organized to present and discuss the sustainability proposals of the consortium and to mobilize policy makers towards a sustainability solution for the future of the NetBiome research partnership.

  • Task 6.1. Identify solutions for sustainable research partnerships
  • Task 6.2 International Forum: "Bio-partners"
  • Task 6.3 Sustainability Plan

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WP7 - Communication and dissemination

WP7 will ensure effective communication and dissemination throughout the whole project to raise general awareness, inform stakeholders and society about its outputs and foster future the appropriation of results by the target groups. This WP will cut across all activities of the project constantly exploring synergies with other WPs. The dissemination strategy will include communication and dissemination initiatives for awareness and information and more focused initiatives of "dissemination for action" to encourage target groups to adopt actions resulting from the project's work. The Strategy will include: planning of the identity toolkit; preparation of the different tools and materials that will be available for dissemination and communication; preliminary planning of dissemination and communication activities to be carried out by each partner and by the consortium as a whole. An online infrastructure - Web Portal - will be developed and used as the main communication and outreach vehicle.

  • Task 7.1 Communication and Dissemination Strategy
  • Task 7.2 Electronic Information Structure - Web Portal
  • Task 7.3 Communication and Dissemination Activities

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