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Conference announcement and registration

Wednesday 6 April 2016 (15:00 – 18:00), European Parliament, Brussels

Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation

A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas


Co-hosted by

MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos

Chair of the “Biodiversity and Ecossystem Services" Working Group

MEP Maurice Ponga

Chair of the "Islands and Overseas Entities" Working Group


 Wednesday 6 April 2016

15:00 – 18:00

Room ASP 5E2

European Parliament, Brussels


The NetBiome-CSA partnership will travel to the European Parliament on April 6th to showcase how Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories can advance biodiversity conservation in support of sustainable development.

The International Conference “Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation: A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas" will be a unique opportunity to discuss, with experts and policy makers, the next steps for research on (sub) tropical biodiversity in support of sustainable development in Outermost Regions and in Overseas Countries and Territories.

The Conference programme will include presentations and interactions with coordinators of NetBiome-funded research projects, highlighting their achievements and lessons learned in terms of developing future research calls. Key results and achievements of the  NetBiome-CSA project will also be presented, with a particular focus on the strategic policy recommendations and research priorities emerging from the work carried out with more than 150 stakeholders.

Registration: Closed